Following the natural progression from stopper knots we come to Loop knots. All of these knots are used to put a fixed loop in the end of a line. The Bowline is one of the staples aboard ship. It is easy to tie and untie and holds well. The Water Bowline is more difficult to tie and untie but holds more securely especially if the knot will be towed under water. The Flemish Loop Knot or Figure-eight Loop is bulkier then a bowline but is very secure and can be untied even after the line has taken a heavy load. The Bowline in a Bight shares the characteristics of the bowline but has two loops. A triple bowline has three loops and can, with proper care, be used to make a harness in an emergency. Unlike the preceding knots, the Alpine Butterfly knot or Butterfly Knot is tied in the middle of a line and can take stress on not only the standing part and the loop but also on the working end. This makes it ideal for making a rope tackle for lashing things down
Make a single turn in the line making sure that the working end in above the standing part. Bring the working end up through the loop.
Pass the working end behind the standing part of the line.
Bring the working end back through the loop.
Tighten the knot carefully as it can capsize and not hold.
Finished knot front.
Finished knot back.
Water Bowline
Make a single turn as in the bowline.
Form another single turn in the working end. Bring the single turns together so that the working end can be passed through both.
Pass the working end through the both loops.
Pass the working end behind the standing part of the line.
Pass the working end back trough both loops.
Tighten carefully.
Finished knot front.
Finished knot back.
Flemish Loop or Figure-eight Loop
This knot is tied the same as a figure-eight knot but in a doubled line.
Double the line, form a single turn, and pass the end behind the standing part.
Pass the end through the loop.
Finished knot.
Bowline in a Bight.
Double the line and form a single turn, making sure that the working end is over the standing part.
Pass the working end up through the loop.
Open the working end into a loop and pass it around the knot up onto the standing part.
Carefully tighten
Finished knot front
Finished knot back.
Triple Bowline
Tied the same as a normal bowline but in a doubled line.
Double the line and make a single turn in the line making sure that the working end in above the standing part. Bring the working end up through the loop.
Pass the working end behind the standing part of the line.
Bring the working end back through the loop.
Tighten the knot carefully.
Butterfly Knot
Form a single turn in the line. Twist the loop as shown.
Bring the upper loop around behind the standing part of the line.
Pass the end of the loop up through the lower loop.
Finished knot front
Finished knot back
Here is a short video of the knots being tied.